I'm from a really big family (ten children, I'm the youngest) with a Spanish mother who was always in the kitchen. Some of my earliest memories are of her peeling carrots or the smell of the spices she cooked with. Since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, here I am...spending most of my day in the kitchen, and writing this blog.
When I was 16, I became a vegan, and that's when I really started to love to cook. After Toby and I were married in the Summer of 2006, it's all I wanted to do. I would come home from work in the evenings and find solace in mixing flour and chopping vegetables. By the time our first baby was born in the fall of 2007, I was staying at home and able to cook to my heart's content... and I haven't stopped since. It's grown into an intense passion of mine. I love the act of preparing a meal and sharing it with someone, I love going to the farmers market, selecting ingredients and coming home to create something fresh. I love making our friends & family feel comfortable in our home and sharing a meal with them. I've realized that it's part of my happiness as a person, putting effort into something and sharing with others.
This blog grew out of that realization. It's a way for me to do all of those things for a lot more people, to share the things I've learned in my time as a Mother and cook. To inspire people to get in the kitchen with their children, and to sit down and enjoy a meal they cooked, with the ones they love. Because what's more than the food itself, is the love behind it.
This blog grew out of that realization. It's a way for me to do all of those things for a lot more people, to share the things I've learned in my time as a Mother and cook. To inspire people to get in the kitchen with their children, and to sit down and enjoy a meal they cooked, with the ones they love. Because what's more than the food itself, is the love behind it.
If you have a question about a recipe, or anything else, feel free to comment or e-mail me at wholefamilyfare{at}gmail{dot}com