One year ago this past Friday, my beloved little girl was born. June 3rd, a day I'll carry in my heart for as long as I live. In the year since her birth , I have learned a lot about hard work, developed the kind of endurance only hard work produces, and held more love in my heart than I ever dreamed :) Being a Mother of two is the sweetest thing I have ever experienced. There are definitely times that I get frustrated and my head is spinning from all the things I have to get done in one day, but those times seem so insignificant in comparison to the love I feel for the two of them. I've found that nothing worthwhile in life is ever easy, and Motherhood is certainly no exception. Though, the reward is a thousand times greater than the cost. I'm deeply grateful for my little boy, little girl, and the beautiful year that lay behind us. Lucía's very first on this Earth.
In celebration of it, we gathered my immediate family in our living room to eat cake and spend time together. Just a small party for the ones who love her the most :) With our upcoming trip to France and Spain, money is really tight around here, but I still wanted to create a day as special as she is to us. I kept it very simple : cake, berries and drinks. The cake was a three layer Gâteau Au Citron (adapted from this recipe) frosted with a mixture of chévre, créme fraiche, lemon zest and honey. The drinks were basil lemonade (with basil from our garden!) and chamomile honey iced tea (which is the recipe I have for you today). As the gorgeous afternoon light flooded our house, we all talked about how we couldn't believe it had been a year since her birth, and how thankful we are for her. It was such a wonderful day, for a wonderful little girl.
Now, for the recipe. I love all things chamomile, so I decided to do a twist on iced tea, with chamomile instead. I sweetened it with honey, and added in a squeeze of lemon juice. So simple, yet delicious. I loved it so much, that I made a huge pitcher this morning and have been sipping it all day. I think it's my official drink of summer 2011.
I hope all of you are enjoying these first few days of summer to the fullest :) June is one of the most magical months, marked by the emergence of summer heat and beautiful berries. I feel more blissful than ever, with my two children at my side and the sweet summer ahead of us. Here's to Lucía's little life, hot summer days and eating fruit to my heart's content!
Chamomile Honey Iced Tea
1/2 cup dried chamomile flowers (or 3-4 tea bags)
3 tablespoons honey (or agave for vegans)
juice of 1 lemon
4 cups filtered water
ice cubes
Begin by filling a tea kettle about halfway full. Place on high heat, until boiling (or until the kettle whistles). Remove from heat and add the chamomile flowers and lemon juice. Let sit for 10-20 minutes, strain and stir in the honey (to taste, you may need a little more). Pour into a pitcher and add enough ice cubes to cool it down. To serve, place a few cubes and lemon slices in a cup. Enjoy!
Serves 4
aww, such a beautiful little girl! She looks just like you! Basil lemonade (and limeade, too!) is one of my favorite summertime drinks.
happy birthday to your sweet little girl. My how fast time has flown!
wow, beautiful pictures. Might actually try the iced tea. Sounds sooo good!!!
My dear Megan Joy, Lucia's birthday party was just dreamy! You never fail to pull my heartstrings with your wonderful posts/photographs!
Such a beautiful post, and happy birthday to your beautiful little girl!! Everything looks and sounds so good, mmm gâteau au citron, délicieux!
Thank you so much, girls. It was a very sweet and memorable day :)
Your blog is so beautiful to look at! I love your pictures...they are so serene :) Happy Birthday to your little one!
Just found your blog, and I can't put into words how much I love it already. Like, I want to marry your blog, hah!!
What lovely photos! I love your blog!!
Happy 1st Birthday, Lucia! She is growing up to be such a pretty little girl!
And like usual, your photographs are breathtaking!
Amber xxx
oooooohhhhh yummo!!!!
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